
понедельник, 20 февраля 2012 г.

Console Resolved

YAAAYYY!! Console is fixed! What went wrong? I donno. Apparently, putty doesn't like cout when I use it in my display function, or something.
Before it was:

 I made it like this:
Which is basically a "putchar" statement. I guess it has something to do with the internal putchar and cout differences, but might be wrong, as far as I know it works, and that's good!
I submitted 0.1, have about a week to make 0.2 are we're gonna split the functions between out group in a few days, so I might as well finish with the wiki and have a few hours of rest, on this last day of the long weekend!


So, it's bern a while, since I bloged about something... (Note to self: Don't forget to upload thing on wiki)
Ok, new year, old (sort of) assignment. Everything should go fine... Not. The fist problem I encountered was right at the beginning.
The assignment starts with writing a "console.cpp", basically, a display and edit function for a string of text, noting major... And I did. And it worked... On Visual Studio. I'm not sure why, but in unix environment my function isn't showing the string and just doing all sots of illogical things with the string. Apparently it has something to do with memory handling in the unix.
So, teacher didn't answered my email about an appointment (I should talk with him about the   procedure of "successfully sending an email") I have my goldfish crackers, some water and a few hours of work!

I guess I should start with taking a regular console tester and checking if it works, next, I'm going to work on display function, until I at least will be able to see the sting... Yeah, that should do it.